PER MAY 1995

European Fair Trade Association
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6211 JB Maastricht
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(in alphabetical order)

Adams, Richard,
Who profits?
1989, 190 pages In the 1970s Richard Adams started a company. Along the way he conquered coffee cartels, the rag trade, import quotas, public flotation, boardroom battles and a cold-store full of rotting green peppers. He learnt the hard way how to make a success of trading with developing countries - steering his company through birth, growth, crash and turnaround. Adams uses the company, Traidcraft, as a case-study. It is now Britain's largest independent alternative trading organisation - a multi- million-pound Public Limited Company. He shares his passionate commitment to the need for developing-world producers to get consistent outlets and fair profits if trade is to develop. For more information: Traidcraft, U.K.

Barrat Brown, Michael,
Fair Trade: Reform and Realities in the International Trading System
Zed Press, 1993, 200 pages. Michael Barrat Brown is Chair of the Third World Information Network (TWIN). Information about unfair trade and making trade fairer. The book starts with a sentence of Sir Leon Brittan, EC Commissioner: "Unfair trade is a cancer". See the review of this book under the book reviews section of the fair trade resource materials menu of this home page. Copies can be ordered from ZED Books, 57 Caledonian Road, London N1 9BU, Fax (+44) 71 8333960 (Farouk Sohowan).

Barratt Brown, M. & Tiffen, P.,
Short changed: Africa and world trade,
1992, 220 pages, annexes, tables. For more information: Twin Trading, U.K. Email:

Coote, Belinda,
The Trade Trap
Oxfam UK, 1992, pp.241 See the review of this book under the book reviews section of the fair trade resource materials menu of this home page. For more information: Oxfam U.K. Email:

Dalton, D.,
A buyer's market. Global trade, southern poverty, and northern action,
1992, 16 pages. For more information: Oxfam U.K..

Davenport, M.,
European community trade barriers to tropical agricultural products
1988, 108 pages. For more information: Overseas Development Institute, London, U.K.

EPD Entwicklungspolitik,
Fairer Handel,
October 1994, 50 pages For more information: EPD-Entwicklungspolitik, Postfach 500550, D-60394 Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Evans, Richard and Zadek, Simon,
Auditing the market - a practical approach to social auditing and the 1992 - 1993 Social Audit report of Traidcraft Plc,
1993, 55 pages Send P 5.00 or equivalent to cover price and postage to Traidcraft Plc in the UK.

Evans, D., with Edstrom, J.,
Trade policy reform and tropical beverages: the fallacy of composition in policy advice
1993, 16 pages. For more information: Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton.

Madden, Peter,
A raw deal: trade and the world's poor
For more information: Christian Aid, U.K.

Madeley, J.,
Trade and the poor. The impact of international trade on developing countries
1992, 209 pages For more information: Intermediate Technology Publications, London.

Integration of developing countries into the international trading system,
1992, 137 pages For more information: OECD, Paris.

Oko Invest,
Alternativer Handel, Nr. 84/95,
March 1995, 20 pages For more information: Oko-Invest-Verlags-Gmbh, Schweizertalstr. 8-10/5, A-1130 Wien, Austria.

Oxfam U.K.,
World Crafts,
1992, 180 pages A glossy, full colour craft book, published in the autumn of 1992 by Charles Letts (of diary fame and now with a general publishing section). The book will give an overview of crafts made in developing countries, and the influences upong their production, especially those brought about by international trade. Drawing upon the wealth of crafts available to OXFAM Trading, chapters cover themes such as pottery, theatre crafts, textiles and crafts made with modern or waste materials. Each chapter will have a general introduction to the craft, followed by a more detailed look at particular examples, and the people that make them, with photographs and information about OXFAM Trading's partners. The book is intended as a celebration of craft producers world wide, which will also increase reader's awareness of the Bridge programme. We hope it will be an inspiration to people making their own crafts, wherever they are. For more information: Oxfam U.K. Email:

Page, S,
Trade, finance and developing countries. Strategies and constraints in the 1990s,
1990, 443 pages For more information: Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York, London & C.

Page, S. with Davenport, M. & Hewitt, A,
The GATT uruguay Round: effects on developing countries,
1991, 64 pages. For more information: Overseas Development Institute, London, U.K.

Pilz, Brigitte,
Zum Beispiel Alternativer Handel,
February 1993, 100 pages. The book contains chapters about Trade with engagement, Fair trade in supermarket - a break-through or the end of an idea?, Concrete partnership: producers and products, Approaching consumers: Third World shops and campaigns. For more information: gepa or Lamuv Verlag, Postfach 2605, D-3400 G”ttingen, Germany

Sarkjar, P.,
Terms of trade of the South vis-a-vis the North: are they declining?,
1992, 30 pages. For more information: Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton.

Fair Trade: a rough guide to business,
1994, 12 pages Introduces fair trade with practical examples of companies already showing that it can be done. It details the growth in the consumer movement and outlines the causes of injustice in the existing international trading system. Stories and comments of organisations in the South show how they are already working creatively to overcome the problems they face. Three different ways to make fair trade a reality are described and a question and answer section tackles issues most often raised by industry and consumers alike. Finally the booklet offers some different points of departure of how to put fair trade into practice. For more information: TWIN, 4th floor, 5-11 Worship Street, London, EC2A 2BH, UK. Email:


(by order of date)

Michaela Dorfmaier,
Diplomarbeit at the Wirtschaftsuniversit„t Wien, October
Alternative Trading Organizations as exemplified by Oxfam Trading and EZA with special reference to the financing of ATOs
1993, 150 pages For more information: EZA Austria or EFTA secretariat.

Indro Dasgupta,
Master of Arts (Final Year),
a project for the Shriram Travelling Fellowship, 1993, 90 pages
The relevance of alternative trading in Rural India
The book gives an extensive description of the weaving process in Uttar Pradesh ("Grameen Development Service" and "Krafmark") and an analysis of the economic conditions of these weavers. It also examines how ATO's are working. And, last but not least, it evaluates ATOs in income generation in rural India. For more information: EFTA Secretariat.

Franz Michael Pithard,
Diplomarbeit bei der Wirtschaftsuniversit„t Wien,
March 1994, 120 pages
Alternativer Handel am Beispiel der EZA-GmbH
For more information: EZA, Austria, Joe Kemptner.

Judith Piotrowski,
University of Clermont-Ferrand,
Fair Trade in Europe - a look at Alternative Trading Organisations
May 1994, 54 pages - with chapters on Southern producers facing international markets, current application of a fairer trade between south and North with case studies of Solidar'Monde France, Gepa Germany, Magasins du Monde Oxfam and Oxfam Wereldwinkels Belgium, Oxfam Trading U.K., OS3 Switzerland and Fair Trade Organisatie in the Netherlands. For more information: Oxfam Trading, U.K., Wyndham James.

Jutta Herbs, Diplomarbeit,
"Preisbildung und alternative Vermarktungskan„le im Kaffeehandel"
June 1994, 70 pages It was the aim of the study to find out who profits from coffee trade and how much (producers, exporters, importers, roaster, etc.). The most impotrtant German roaster were visited. The question was also raised whther the fair trade coffee is really fairly traded. For more information: Jutta Herbig, Weimarer Str. 4, 35091, C”lbe, Deutschland. Price: DM 98,-.

Angelika Danner,
Increasing the contribution of microenterprises to equitable and sustainable development in Latin America
March 1994, 130 pages For more information: Joe Kemptner, EZA, Austria.

commissioned by EFTA to Oikos The Netherlands and Enzo Martinelli Italy.
An EFTA Survey of Fair Trade in Europe
May 1995, 40 pages. An inventory of the fair trade sectors in 14 European countries. For more information: EFTA, The Netherlands. See also the Fair Trade Resources menu of this home page for a copy of this survey.

Please send information about publications you think interesting for EFTA members to the EFTA secretariat. Email:

Thank you!

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